OTS have already identified a number of cancer-specific-genes that would be applicable for development of molecular-targeted anti-cancer therapies. OTS has been pursuing the medicinal discovery research with understanding the subcellular localization, mode of function, and immunogenicity of the target cancer-specific-genes.
Drug Discovery
to win the war against cancer
What's new
IR News15/05/2023Announcement regarding Research Progress on New Compounds
IR News13/03/2023Announcement regarding Development of New Cancer Gene Panel Test at Our Subsidiary Company, Cancer Precision Medicine, Inc.
IR News09/03/2023Announcement regarding termination of out-licensing contract and agreement to transfer patent rights of antibodies
Contributing to Precision
Medicine through
TCR-sequencing Analysis
Medicine through
TCR-sequencing Analysis
Our service offers comprehensive analysis of TCR repertoire from blood and tissue samples using next generation sequencing technology. A detailed data analysis will be performed. We ensure that we will perform this service consistently, from sample preparation to delivering results.
More Efficacious
and Safer Cancer Treatments
and Safer Cancer Treatments
Pursuing “To develop anti-cancer medicine and anti-cancer therapy with high efficacy and minimum risk of adverse events, and to win the war against cancer”, OTS has been conducting research and development, by collaborating with Professor Yusuke Nakamura, a genomics pioneer.
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